Commercial Litigation


Protecting your commercial interests

As in all areas of life, sometimes disputes arise involving our commercial clients and business relationships are not always harmonious. When that happens, our strategic and pragmatic approach to dealing with such disputes, leads to resolutions which are more cost effective and timely for our clients.

We guide our clients through and around difficulties, both major and minor, including Contractual Disputes, Shareholder / InvestorDisputes and litigation in the many areas where we advise them, such as Competition Law, Commercial Property / Construction, Corporate Insolvency, Intellectual Property, Aviation & Maritime, Partnerships, etc. Our understanding of our clients’ business enables us to offer more innovative and strategic solutions to the often complex disputes in which they may be involved.

Lead by an accredited Mediator, our experienced Litigation solicitors, encourage negotiation, or Alternative Dispute Resolution, such as Mediation, rather than expensive litigation through the Courts, knowing how to make the right deal. However, where such forms of resolution do not work, we have the “battle hardening” necessary to fight to protect our clients’ commercial interests, through the Court process and the various remedies available through the Courts, such as Injunctions, Judicial Reviews and claims for Damages.

*In contentious business, a solicitor may not calculate fees or charges as a percentage or proportion of any award or settlement. This statement is made in compliance with RE.8 of SI 518 of 2002.